Eastern Claims Conference 2025

April 06 - 08, 2025  •  LIVE!

3 Days   40+ Speakers

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Who Are We? ... We Are "ECC"!

Welcome to the ECC 2025
The Eastern Claims Conference (ECC) is an educational conference devoted to Life, Disability, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Accident and Health Claims Management. The ECC's program is designed to serve a broad target market, from entry-level associate personnel to senior management. The ECC's only function is to present an annual conference for the benefit of those who serve the insurance industry in the claims handling process.

Please note:

Request for refunds must be in writing and will be reviewed and approved.  Requests for refunds will not be honored after April 04, 2025
Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities
Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities

For Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities for the
2025 Eastern Claims Conference, please contact:

Lee Love
Ph. (630) 229-2981

Robert Del Signore
Ph. (603) 703-6903

Hotel Registration is OPEN!! 
<-- Click on the link